Put your fuckin shoes on, let's get ready to go
Quit dragging your feet son, it's past time we hit the road
Get a fuckin move on, time to venture out on your own
Put your fuckin shoes on, let's get ready to go
'Cause it's time to choose vocation
Change location, take out a loan
Because that's just what my father did
And all his fathers before him
Grab that money while you're young
Never mind what you become
With adolescence all but done
It's time you made a man out of my son
So put your fuckin shoes on and get ready to run
Until you die
Go to sleep, get up early
Go to work and do it again
Live your life in a factory
It's just a part of being a man
Never change, never worry
I guess it's all that I really am
Give it time
When you're my age you'll understand
Put your fuckin shoes on, let's get ready to go
Time to fill in applications, expectations, and gender roles
Because that's just what my father told me
I pass his wisdom used to mold me
A real man earns all his own
A real man works to the bone
That aching pain you'll learn to love
Wear it like a scar you're proud of
In 20 years, when you get home
Tell your son to get off his phone
It's time to go
Give your mind, give your free time
Go to sleep and get up again
Live and die in a coal mine
Chasing paper up 'til the end
I guess I failed history
Doomed to repeat it like my old man
If you make it to my age, you'll understand
Put your fuckin shoes on, kiddo
Real men earn all they own
Put your fuckin shoes on, kiddo
All you are is all you own
Go to sleep, get up early
Go to work and do it again
Live and die in a factory
It's just a part of being a man
Never change, never worry
I guess it's all that I really am
If you make it to my age you'll understand
If you make it to my age you'll understand