[Verse 1:]
Tony boy had killed his crazy mama
Tony boy had stolen cash from papa
Tony is a man now, so I sing
R’n’B tunes for him
Tony boy had done a spell in prison
Tony boy had killed the sheriff for no reason
Tony is a man now, so I sing
R’n’B tunes for him
Tony boy is perfect and devout fan
And let everyone says he’s the problem man
He's living it up, all the time he's singing up
That’s why I don’t care
At concert Tony cheers me up!
[Verse 2:]
Tony boy had left alone his wife
Tony boy - my big fan every night
Tony is a man now, so I sing
R’n’B tunes for him. yeah
Tony boy is special fan. And even though
We never spoke to each other after show
He hits the spot
Every song learned by heart
This song about Tony
Made everybody sit up!
[Verse 3:]
Tony boy…
Tonight he’s gonna try
His luck and finally find
The way to come inside
Got backstage pass
My guards don't mind...