[OLIVER, spoken]
What if the car breaks down?
What if we break down?
What if they catch us and erase our hard drives?
[CLAIRE, spoken]
So you're coming
[OLIVER, spoken]
When did I say I'm coming?
[CLAIRE, spoken]
Great, let's start packing
[OLIVER, spoken]
I don't—
It's not—
We can't—
How did—
We're going to Jeju
Dig out my suitcase
Brush off the layer of dust
Pack up my life here
And then it's Jeju or bust
Here I go
Time to give it a shot
Hope the car fits a lot
'Cause now I'm hitting the road
My books and albums
My expectations and fears
A small adventure
I guess it's been a few years
And I know
This might even be fun
When the packing is done
I'm finally hitting the road
And no matter where and how far you drive
People say you're different when you arrive
Underneath an unfamiliar sky
Will my old concerns no longer apply?
Pick up my suitcase
It's got a decade of heft
Go make it count, now
Enjoy the time you have left
Here I go
Tell me I'll be okay
By the end of today
I'm finally hitting the road
[CLAIRE, spoken]
Be ready with all your stuff at midnight, tonight
[OLIVER, spoken]
Are you bringing music?
We could alternate your music and my music, if you want, but frankly, I know more about music, so
[CLAIRE, spoken]
I'm sure we'll figure it out
See you soon
[OLIVER, spoken]
Here's the playlist so far— I'm still working on it
Blue Train, Monk's Dream, Caravan - Duke Ellington Original Version—
[CLAIRE, spoken]
Uh, yes, great, okay
[OLIVER, spoken]
I'll Remember April, I've Got You Under My Skin
It's just a rough list at this point
See you in a few hours