(as revealed by the Armadillo: second in command)
Holy shit! The droid is missing. That machine, was it in lockdown? It was scheduled for positronic mind eration, synaptic defragmentation. There’s no way that the droid could escape his prison cell without the helpful hand of one who knows our system. It could only be the Byron who purloined Xenarthra, strengthening their contra.
They were the ones who believed that they could shake life from The Maker, but The Maker survived! Entwining lifelines, theirs and his to hourglass, enslaved to keep him alive. Shackled by he: he who tailored merchants in black. Shackled by the maker and creator of the hourglass, which he needed to survive. The reapers gather the souls as their toll to pay the doctor back.
Oh! One thing I forgot to mention is the built-in safety system, wherein the hourglass was cauterized to Bronson’s cortex: of course, I mean that metaphysically. Its unbreakability is linked to genetic spores worn aortically; allegedly, the architecture camouflages his essence from mortality’s grasp.
What this all means, is that the pair is perpetual and the only known facet to fell the design lies inherently in his mind. What this means is that we needn’t fear those black holes. Aha! Found the android’s beacon blazing amongst the villagers.
Alert His Majesty; don’t delay. He’ll retrieve Xenarthra.