Da Den Kristne Satte Livet Til
When The Christian Lost His Life
My soul did glow
And my mind did yearn
To get hold of a Christian f***
In the cold darkness I waited with the wind
It howled as if possessed by the devil
I waited
Ahh, I waited!
Time seemed eternal
But finally I got sight of a poor one
I raised my clenched fist
And screamed
Weak Christian!
Die tonight!
I shall tear your soul apart!
You will feel the poor I was granted from darkness!
Your time has come!
So has your faith's time...
...so has your faith
Pray for mercy you pitiful f***
And my laughter shall once again resound
Loud in the cold of the night
Where frost will freeze your last...
Weak Christian!
You died tonight!
With a might blow I cracked your skull
A bloody slaughter
From which voices will forever resound in the Kingdom of darkness