Entre las callejuelas de Kingston, Jamaica, en los años 60, surgió una fuerza musical destinada a cambiar el mundo. En 1963, Bob Marley, junto a Bunny Wailer y Peter Tosh, formaron el grupo que pronto sería conocido como The Wailing Wailers. Estos músicos jóvenes, con profundas raíces en la pobreza, comenzaron a tejer un sonido único que capturó la esencia de su entorno y experiencias. La combinación de ritmos de ska, rocksteady, y el naciente reggae, sirvieron como base para sus primeras grabaciones, atrayendo la atención de Coxsone Dodd, un influyente productor local.
A mediados de los años 60, el grupo sufrió cambios en su formación, pero la visión de Marley permaneció intacta. Con la salida de artistas del grupo, nuevos miembros como Aston "Family Man" Barrett y su hermano Carlton Barrett se unieron, solidificando la alineación que llevaría a los Wailers a la fama global. En 1972, el encuentro con Chris Blackwell de Island Records catapultó al grupo a nuevas alturas. Blackwell les dio la oportunidad de grabar un álbum con la intención de atraer tanto al público jamaicano como al internacional, resultando en la creación de Catch a Fire (1973), un disco que pronto se convirtió en un hito del reggae.
Catch a Fire no solo mostró la capacidad del grupo para crear música cautivadora, sino que también abordó temas de injusticia
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Words and music by Bob Dylan
I've got my back to the sun 'cause the light is too intense
I can see what everybody in the world is up against
Can't turn back, you can't come back, sometimes we push too far
One day you'll open up your eyes and you'll see where you are
Sugar baby get on down the road, you ain't got no brains nohow
You went years without me, might as well keep goin' now
Some of these bootleggers, they make pretty good stuff
Plenty of places to hide things here if you want to hide them bad enough
I'm staying with Aunt Sally, but you know she not really my aunt
Some of these memories, you can learn to live with and some of'em you can't
Sugar baby get on down the line, you ain't got no brains nohow
You went years without me, might as well keep goin' now
The ladies down in Darktown, they're doin' the Darktown strut
Y'always got to be prepared, but you never know for what
There ain't no limit to the amount of trouble women bring
Love is pleasing, love is teasing, love not an evil thing
Sugar baby get on down the road, you ain't got no brains nohow
You went years without me, might as well keep goin' now
Every moment of existence seems like some dirty trick
Happiness can come suddenly and leave just as quick
Any minute of the day, the bubble can burst
Try to make things better for someone sometimes you just end up makin' it thousand times worse
Sugar baby get on down the road, you ain't got no brains nohow
You went years without me, might as well keep goin' now
Your charms have broken many a heart and mine is surely one
You got a way of tearin' the world apart, love, see what you've done
Just as sure as we're livin', just as sure as you're born
Look up, look up, seek your Maker, 'fore Gabriel blows his horn
Sugar baby, get on down the line, you ain't got no sense nohow
You went years without me, might as well keep goin' now