Nude Descending A Staircase
How you threaten me with your good taste
It's been around and around in my head
But I still can't understand what you said
I've been around the world
I've been in every museum there is
The Met, The Tate, The Louvre and all the little ones in between
I've been in the same room with the Mona f*cking Lisa
But Nude Descending A Staircase
How you threaten me with your good taste
I've been around the world
And no one's ever humiliated me like you
Now you're sitting there with your freshly bought new dog
Strangely enough you kind of remind me of your Mom
You buy your companionship
Oh it's so cute and it never gives you any lip
But now that we're both comfortable
Let's play a nice game of charades
I've got a good one it's a movie
It's three words
And it stars a fat Orson Welles
F is for Fake
I saw it in some video store in the East Village
A big old fat Orson Welles on the cover
And that's what it seems like you are to me with this new guy that you're with
Nude Descending A Staircase
How you threaten me with your good taste