Paroles de la chanson Levante par Piers Faccini
I found a path
Maybe it found me
I was blind, now I see
I heard a call
Or was it from my throat
A murmur wound in the note
Like a hundred lashes
Flames give birth to ashes
When the levee crashes row
Who stole the birds
Tore then from the sky?
Who then covered up the lie?
Back then before
As brothers we
Grew as leaves do for trees
Must I long for thunder
Longing how I wonder
Waves will pull me under row
To be undone
To die and be renewed
The lies I once took to be true
I fell for good
Off the face of time
When your eyes looked into mine
Like a hundred lashes
Flames give birth to ashes
When the levee crashes row
Must I long for thunder
Longing how I wonder
Waves will pull me under row