We were gathered 'round the garbage can passin' round the bottle,
We were cold and burning anything, that was dry enough to burn.
A shakin' man said he had left his family back in boston,
And I knew I'd hear a whole lot more, before it came my turn.
A bearded man in his army coat said the answer boys is jesus,
The one called joe said all I know is ain't january hell?
One guy said let's have a drink to flagstaff arizona?
And I thought I might freeze to death before id get to tell.
?bout mobile bay , magnolia blossoms. cool summer nights
Warm rollin' seas. and all my dreams, somewhere I'd lost 'em,
Mobile bay, magnolia leaves, sweet rosalee.
The sun was barely comin' up on the wrong side of chicago
And I was cold and hungry and all the wine was gone.
People passed and pointed, said ?there's another wino?.
They didn't know that one more time
my dreams would take me home.
Back to, mobile bay, magnolia blossoms. cool summer nights
Warm rollin' seas. and all my dreams, somewhere I'd lost 'em,
Mobile bay, magnolia leaves, sweet rosalee.
Mobile bay. magnolia blossoms, cool summer nights
Warm rollin seas. and all my dreams, somewhere I'd lost 'em,
Mobile bay, magnolia leaves, sweet rosalee.