Today I heard what dem a people say /
Dem want to live free, greedy, and don't care who pays /
You play under the sun, while others fight in the skies of gray /
I say if you don't like it this way, then why stay, go away!
Freedom fighters / Ignite Jah /Freedom fighters / Shine Jah
(Live free, be free, die free)
Today i heard what dem a people say /
Dem say the man came in and took our choice away /
You portray selfishness and hate, while some prepare to die today /
I say you'll fade away, appreciate the life and liberate
Freedom fighters / Ignite Jah /Freedom fighters / Shine Jah
(Live free, be free, die free)
We have the right to live in peace /
And you must fight for what you keep /
If what you keep holds truth inside/
Stand up, defend or lay down and die
Freedom fighters / Ignite Jah /Freedom fighters / Shine Jah
(Live free, be free, die free)
Live free, be free, Jah say live free, Jah say die free
Live free, Jah say die free, Live free, Jah say be free
I and I live free, I and I, die free
Stand up, defend or lay down and die
Stand up, defend or lay down and die
Stand up, defend or lay down and die
Stand up, defend or lay down and die