Smile (extended mix)
Show me where it hurts
'Cause you ain't got nothing to worry about
I said smile
No matter what you heard
There's a paler shade of grey my friend
So smile
Cause you ain't got nothing to worry about
Anything at all
You don't know anything at all
I said smile
I said smile
So smile
'Cause you ain't got nothing to worry about
Anything at all
You don't know anything at all
'Cause you ain't got nothing to worry about
Anything at all
You don't know anything at all
So smile
I said smile
I said smile
En esta canción de 'Galantis' titulada 'Smile', la letra invita de manera amable a enfocarse en la alegría y dejar de preocuparse. Nos anima a sonreír, incluso cuando hay dolor presente, recordándonos que hay un lado más brillante incluso en los momentos más oscuros... Significado de la letra