Oxidising angel
In this dark and rainy night
he cames out of the shadows BlutEngel
He wants to finish what he began
a thousand years ago The
He starts the engine of his machines
He puts her body on a table Oxidising
He looks into her broken eyes
and he seals it with a kiss Angel
Where am I?
What's happening to me?
Everything so cold Songtexte
Everything so dark
What is this pain I feel?
Why does it hurt? Songtext
Please NO-
Chorus Chris, Ulrike:
She's a creation made by evil hands Lyrics
She slept in her grave for thousand years
But in this night of violent tears Lyric
he brought her back to life again
He created an angel just for himself Liedertexte
He gave her beauty he gave her life
But she couldn't live without a soul Liedertext
So she faded away again
Verse2 Chris:
He's so facinated Alle
by her pale white skin
He starts to kiss her body BlutEngel
all over again
They belong together
That's what he has in mind The
She kills him with a kiss
Forever joined in death
Chorus (2x) Chris, Ulrike:
She's a creation made by evil hands
She slept in her grave for thousand years Angel
But in this night of violent tears
he brought her back to life again Songtexte
He created an angel just for himself
He gave her beauty he gave her life Songtext
But she couldn't live without a soul
So she faded away again Lyrics