Lyrics to "Thank You Followers (Gov't Love) by MC Queen B
Warning: Explicit Lyrics
Thank You, Followers. This is your United States, sending you love
No leadership for solar switch and bio-diesel grease
With the NSA all spying on us when we’re on our knees
The news is training babies with no sign of mind release
And the youth are never taught to write in cursive and say please
The real fake controversies are breastfeeding and goat cheese
Some ADD autism for your nephew and your lovely niece
Every season stronger allergies that make everyone sneeze
And the student debt is priceless to public universities
I get pissed
When the masses are incited to think that cops are disease
Cause all the Occupiers had their tents and shelters seized
At home it seems office jobs are for dicks who help the least
But thank God that I’m not African, Russian, Mexican, Syrian, Philippino, or Japanese
Thank You, Followers
Thank You, Followers
Thank You, Followers
Thank You, Followers
The travel channels lie and show the world as fine and dandy
It was time the planet put the whole of wall street under Sandy
Red must think controlling the economy is handy
While GMO dairy and sugar makes our chocolate killer-candy
Computer dating has all conditioned who to marry
While my first amendment rights are protected only in theory
Please go and see a doctor if you’re going to drink dairy
Ask me in five years “If honey is rare” and I’ll answer “Oh yes oh yes oh very”
Educators still denying that our planet is warming
As our country’s reputation round the globe is quite alarming
And girls who like to fuck kept in the news with rumors swarming
While we’ve all missed out on lessons about food as medicine through farming
We’re not grounded cause of all the fantasy books we’ve been reading
All the new wars being started leave no time for proper grieving
Spoiled athletes and politicians are coddled for abusing
On the news I see the snow and polar caps melting
And we don’t believe that relationships can have some sort of creative meaning
And the brains of teens and babies are destroyed by fluoride while their teething
Thank You, Followers. This is your United States, sending you love
Thank You, Followers
Thank You, Followers
Thank You, Followers
Thank You, Followers
How is it that God enjoys us calling each other fags and Nazis
Our teens are being trained to pay five bucks just for coffee
Instead we could help teach each other cultural sensitivities
Each person could learn to grow their own food and free their bees
President of our land may as well have decreed
We’re to suck hard all year on stinky corporate greed
We’ve all become unwilling hygienic human GM seeds
And in this week’s paper did you get to read
Even for medical need they got busted for growing natural weed
While the cancer in our own hearts grows and never stops the bleed
Thank You, Followers