There’s a box of packing materials
In the middle of my living room floor
Guess what? I didn’t order it and I don’t know who sent it
And it feels a little like a cosmic joke
How much worry can fit in a cardboard box
Twelve by ten by eight?
And how much does it cost to send a cardboard box
Carrying so much weight?
The irony is the amount of space it takes up
On my living room floor
I have to step around it, it’s getting in the way
I really didn’t need the metaphor
How much guilt can fit in a cardboard box
Six by five by three?
And how much does it cost to send a cardboard box
Quite that heavy?
There’s a box of packing materials
In the middle of my living room floor
Guess what? I didn’t order it and frankly I don’t want it
Would you please collect it if it’s yours?
How much anger can fit in a cardboard box
Two by two by two?
If I could get it all to fit, even if I could post it
Who would I send it to?
There’s a box of packing materials
In the middle of my living room floor