(Meredith is dressing for Susan's funeral)
MVO: A surgeon's education never ends. Every patient, every symptom, every operation...is a test, a chance for us to demonstrate how much we know...and how much more we have to learn.
(The kitchen at Meredith's house)
Cristina: How do you treat pancreatic divisum? Izzie?
Izzie: Oh, Cristina. If you're not gonna let us sleep, you at least have to let me put coffee in my cup.
Cristina: Okay, so go. No one's stopping you.
Izzie: I'm too tired to go.
Cristina: Pancreatic divisum.
Alex: Dorsal duct sphincterotomy.
Cristina: Not your turn, but correct. You do me.
Alex: I can't believe O'Malley's missing this. How's he gonna be ready?
Cristina: Oh, you're kidding, right?
Cristina: We have Callie's cards, but George has...
Izzie: George has Callie.
Alex: What's the most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients?
Izzie: Is she coming to this bachelorette thing tonight?
Cristina: Rotavirus. Yes. Uh, no! No, no, no. Uh, salmonella.
Alex: Diarrhea in hospitalized patients.
(Meredith enters)
Meredith: The most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients is C.Diff which can lead to toxic megacolon, perforation, sepsis and death. That's what killed Susan.
Izzie: Is she okay?
Cristina: Oh, she's fine.
Alex: Dude, she's messed up.
Izzie: Of course she's messed up. Susan was basically her surrogate mother.
Cristina: Yeah, her fake mom was better than her real mom.
Izzie: Is she going to the hospital first or the funeral?
Cristina: First to the hospital, then to the funeral, then to the test this afternoon.
Alex: Has she even studied?
Cristina: Yeah, she studied. She's fine. She just needs to be left alone, okay? So what's inside the carotid sheath? Izzie?
(Callie and George are at their hotel room)
George: The internal carotid artery, the internal jugular vein and the vagus nerve.
Callie: Ah, that was too easy. Let's find you a hard one. Uh, what is this?
George: Uh, what is what? Oh, yeah. That just came this morning.
Callie: You got... You got a spot at Mercy West! Why...why didn't you tell me?
George: Because it's pending the results of the intern exam.
Callie: Oh, you know what this means, don't you? You, you got, you got into Mercy West you got into mercy west
George: I haven't told the chief yet.
Callie: You'll tell him today. He'll understand. It's a smaller program, fewer residents...fewer distractions, more surgeries. And when I come home and ask you how your day went, you can actually tell me because I won't already know.
(They kiss. She leaves George smiling sadly.)
(Derek enters the elevator where Meredith is)
Meredith: Hi.
Derek: Hi.
Derek: Look, I... I know this is an...an impossible day for you. So...I'm just want to say one thing. I brought a black suit, just in case.
Meredith: Thank you. But I think this is something I need to do by myself.
(His pager goes off and he exits the elevator)
Derek: If you need me, just... (The elevator closes)...let me know.
(Burke walks up to Cristina in the hallway)
Burke: Oh, Cristina.
Cristina: What is MEN Syndrome? Don't answer that.
Burke: The minister needs to see a copy of your vows before the wedding.
Cristina: Multiple endocrine neoplasia. Yes.
Burke: Look, I know it's test day, and I'm not supposed to be talking about the wedding on test day . But since tomorrow's our wedding day-
Cristina: You have five seconds. Go.
Burke: Bill Adams can't make it. I have no best man.
Cristina: Oh, no. Baby, I'm so sorry.
Burke: And I need your vows by...
Cristina: Okay, time's up.
Burke: Cristina...
Cristina: Test day.
Burke: What am I supposed to tell the minister?
Cristina: Test day.
(Burke, Mark, Derek, Addison, Callie and Bailey are in the ER)
Addison: They paged you guys, too?
Burke: Well, I think they paged all of us.
Addison: That can't be good.
Mark: Sure it can. He could be letting us know I won the race for chief.
Bailey: Not today, he isn't. He's making his recommendation to the board tomorrow for chief of surgery and chief resident.
Derek: Why were we all paged?
Bailey: Oh, because search and rescue found those lost climbers who were up on Mount Rainier.
(Richard enters)
Richard: People, the climbers are on their way.
Derek: Any specifics?
Richard: They found only three so far. One's still missing. They're reporting severe dehydration with traumatic head and chest injuries. Dr. Bailey, Dr. Torres, you'll be my trauma team.
Bailey: Bad day not to have interns.
Mark: What?
Callie: Today's the intern exam.
Richard: You'll all have to do your own heavy lifting today. And if you see an intern, which you will, because they can't help themselves, turn them away until after the exam. The ambulances are five minutes away.
It's time to do what we do best, people. Let's roll.
(Alex is in the NICU holding Jane Doe's baby while she quizzes him)
Jane Doe: What is a Gerota's fascia?
Alex: Uh, the fascia surrounding the kidney.
Jane Doe: Which is longer, the left or the right renal vein?
Alex: That's right. The left one.
Jane Doe: Looks and smarts...not bad.
Alex: You think?
Jane Doe: She's got my dad's nose, though. Girl's gotta have a big personality to pull off that nose.
Alex: What? You...you remember your dad?
Jane Doe: No. I don't...no.
Alex: You just said...
Jane Doe: I know, but I... I have no idea where that came from.
Alex: That was a memory. That's what it's like sometimes. It doesn't always come back all at once. It can happen in bits and pieces.
Jane Doe: Don't...don't get all...
Alex: Dude, your memory's coming back.
(Richard, Burke and Derek are standing in the ambulance bay)
Richard: So how you feelin', Preston? You ready?
Burke: I'm always ready for surgery.
Derek: I think he's talking about the wedding.
Richard: Yeah, tomorrow's the big day.
Burke: And apart from the fact that Cristina hasn't written her vows, my best man just canceled, and it's still raining...
Derek: He's not ready.
Richard: You're never ready. I certainly wasn't. But then... The minute I saw Adele coming down that aisle...well... Have you picked your best man?
Burke: Actually, chief, I...
Derek: You can't be his best man.
Richard: Why not?
Derek: Because it's unethical. It's a conflict of interest. The man wants to be chief of surgery.
Burke: Actually, Derek...
Derek: Not that that's why you're asking.
Burke: I was... Going to ask you.
Derek: Ask me what?
(Burke just looks at him)
Derek: Really?
Burke: We have been through a lot this year.
Derek: And everybody else turned you down. Oh, what do I have to do?
Richard: Well, traditionally the best man plans the bachelor party.
Derek: Drinks at Joe's after work?
Burke: Yeah. I knew you were the man for the job.
(The ambulance arrives)
Paramedic: Dale Winick, 32, B.P.90 over 50,tachy to 110. Severe frostbite, but no obvious internal injuries.
Richard: Got it. My god.
Derek: Wow.
Paramedic: Yeah, those aren't gloves.
(The trauma room)
Dale: Please someone tell me are the other guys ok?
Richard: They're right behind you. We'll let you know.
Mark: Get him a tet-tox and push a gram of cefazolin IV. And let's get some warm, circulating water
to start thawing his hands.
Addison: I'll get someone on it. Callie.
(Addison walks into the hall)
(The interns are in the hallway peering through a window at the ER)
Izzie: We're supposed to be studying. If Bailey finds out we're down here...
Cristina: We are studying. How do you treat frostbite?
George: Re-warm, avoid early surgery unless there's a deep infection due to auto-amputation.
Cristina: See? Studying.
(Another frostbite sufferer is entering the ER)
Burke: Okay, okay, Mr. Meltzer, Mr. Meltzer, I'm gonna need you to save your breath, okay? We're gonna give you some pain meds.
Andy: It hurts
Burke: You have several broken ribs, which are compromising your breathing. You understand?
Cristina: Did you see that?
Meredith: That is freaky.
Cristina: I think that was a flail chest. I've never seen one before. Come on. Come on. Why, oh, why does today have to be test day?
Meredith: Oh, I know.
Cristina: Look... I bet you if you talk to the chief, he'll let you take the test later with the funeral and everything.
Meredith: I don't need to take the test later.
Cristina: Okay.
(Another patient enters)
Derek: Can I get a little help here?
Jack: I can't feel my legs!
Derek: Sir, you could have a spinal injury. You need to stop fighting me and stay calm, okay? You're only making it worse. Where are we going?
Addison: You guys are going to trauma three.
Derek: All right. Trauma three.
(Izzie and George are standing alone in the hallway)
Izzie: You okay?
George: Yeah. I got accepted at Mercy West.
Izzie: Wow, that's... Are you gonna go?
George: Well, I kinda have to now, right?
(Bailey walks into the hallway)
Bailey: What are you fools doing here? In a few hours, you people are taking a test that will determine the course of your entire medical careers because the five interns with the lowest test scores will be cut from the program. But are you studying for this test? No, you're not. Are you helping out in the ER? You are most certainly not! Are you getting the hell out of here before I throw you out? I think you are.
(Alex runs into Derek in the hallway)
Alex: Whoa, Dr. Shepherd.
Derek: Aren't you supposed to be studying?
Alex: Yeah, I just have a quick question.
Derek: Yeah.
Alex: Could the craniotomy you performed on Ava...on Jane Doe...could...could that have affected her memory?
Derek: Uh, it's doubtful. I was mostly working in the speech center of her brain. But you never know. Why?
Alex: I think she remembered something. Can...can we test her to see if anything's changed?
Derek: Yeah, you can run another WMSR, but we're gonna have to wait and see if she remembers anything else. Good sign, though.
Alex: Thanks.
(Derek walks up to the nurse's station where Addison is)
Derek: Nice work, Dr. Montgomery.
Addison: Oh, thanks. I was just directing traffic.
Derek: I was being sarcastic.
Addison: Oh, like brain surgery is so impressive.
Derek: It is, actually.
(Joe and Walter enter)
Joe: Addison.
Addison: Yes? Oh, Joe, Walter. What are you guys doing here? Everything okay? Yeah, we came to see you, actually.
Joe: Uh we need a consult.
Addison: Don't tell me you're pregnant.
Joe: Uh, no, but...our birth mom is.
Walter: Potential birth mom.
Joe: She hasn't actually picked us yet.
Addison: You're adopting?
Joe: Well, we filed an application, but we never thought we'd get picked. You know, bar-owning gays don't get picked very often.
Walter: I guess having a baby is easier than we thought.
Addison: Yes, I guess so.
Joe: So I was hoping you could take a look at her? You know, kicking the tires, checking underneath the hood?
Walter: Car metaphors? No.
Addison: I'd be happy to. Just, uh, give me a call and we'll set up an appointment.
Joe: Well, see, that's the thing. Uh, she lives in Portland, and she's only gonna be in Seattle for one day, so...
Walter: She's kind of here now.
Addison: Now, as in...(Joe steps aside to reveal a pregnant woman) Now.
(Izzie catches up to George in the hallway)
Izzie: George, wait. Wait a minute.
George: Yeah?
Izzie: You don't have to do this. You don't have to transfer to Mercy West.
George: Yeah, I do.
Izzie: No. Just forget about you and me for a second, okay? What about Meredith? What about Alex and Cristina? Who's gonna hold us together if you're not here? You're the glue. You're George.
George: I can't stay here. I can't...
Izzie: No one's making you go.
George: Stay here and see you every day... And not...I can't keep kissing you in elevators.
Izzie: I know. I know that.
George: I'm married. I'm a married man.
(Alex enters Jane Doe's room)
Alex: You busy?
Jane Doe: Cute. What are you doing here? Isn't the exam in like-
Alex: Yeah, I know, I know. I just want to run a quick neuro-psych test on you.
Jane Doe: No. No! Go take your test. I...I have a baby to feed.
Alex: What the hell is wrong with you?
Jane Doe: Nothing.
Alex: You've been sitting in this bed for weeks wishing you could remember who you were, now suddenly you can.
Jane Doe: I can't. It was something I said.
Alex: Well, you remember your father's face. Why are you acting like it's no big deal, like it happens all the time?
Jane Doe: Alex, come on. I...I...it...that's not...
Alex: Unless it does happen all the time. Tell me the truth. Do you remember? Do you know who you are?
(Cristina and Meredith are walking through the hall)
Cristina: What is biloma? What is biloma?
Meredith: Cristina, I really don't have time ...A biloma is an intperitoneal bile fluid collection.
Cristina: Excellent.
Meredith: Okay? I'll be fine.
(Thatcher enters)
George: Meredith.
Meredith: George, I gotta go.
George: Your dad.
Meredith: Hey. I...I...I was just on my way...
Thatcher: No, I...I came here to tell you you're not wanted. I don't want you at any funeral, Meredith.
Richard: Thatcher, why don't you come...
Thatcher: She trusted you! She came to you for help, and you killed her. You did. You killed my wife. You took her from me.
(Molly enters)
Molly: Dad!
Thatcher: So I don't...I don't want to see you. I don't want to hear from you, and I don't want you anywhere near her funeral. You understand me? Do you understand me?
Molly: Dad, dad, come on. This...Lexie's waiting in the car. We have to go, dad. We have to go now.
Thatcher: She was everything to me, all I had. She was all I had. She was all I had.
(Alex is still in Jane Doe's room)
Alex: I can sit here all day. I'll miss my test, but I will sit here all day.
Jane Doe: I don't...I...it happened a few days ago, and I...I just...I just woke up, and it was all there again.
Alex: And you didn't tell me?
Jane Doe: Becau...because there's...there's nothing to tell.
Alex: Why don't I believe that?
Jane Doe: I was a pregnant woman in a lousy marriage to the nicest guy anyone's ever met. End of story.
Alex: Who...who is he? What does he do? Wh...where...where did you meet him?
Jane Doe: College. We got married the year after we graduated. He... I wanted...I wanted to move to New York, and he wanted to live on the side of a mountain and take over his dad's shop. And he's a woodworker.
He makes beautiful furniture. It's...it's...it's quiet, and he's quiet and...I was going out of my mind.
Alex: So you just... Took off?
Jane Doe: No, I... I need...I need...I need...I needed to think and to be around other people, so I came to Seattle, and I...thought I'd see the sights, ride the ferry.
Alex: Have you even called him?
Jane Doe: No.
Alex: Why not?
Jane Doe: I left him, Alex.
Alex: So? He's your husband. You should call him. You want me to call him? I mean, what's his name? What's your name?
Jane Doe: I'm not telling you that.
(Meredith, George, Cristina and Izzie are in the locker room preparing for their test)
Izzie: We've got everything taken care of.
George: You don't have to worry about a thing.
Cristina: I've got number 2 pencils and bottled water.
Izzie: Oh, and...and powerbars.
Cristina: And you know the material. You're gonna get a high score...not as high as mine...but everything's gonna be fine.
(Alex enters)
Alex: What are you guys all standing around for? Don't we have a test to...what happened?
(Richard enters)
Richard: You people need to head upstairs. Dr. Grey will join you in a minute.
(Everyone leaves)
Richard: You're not to blame for Susan Grey's death, and you know it, and your father knows it, too. He's just...
Well, he's never been the best communicator, and he just lost his wife.
Meredith: Stop acting like my surrogate father.
Richard: Meredith, I'm...just...
Meredith: Because you slept with my mother, that does not make you my father.
(Derek is in the ER with the three men)
Derek: Follow my finger, okay? Up, down, up down, side to side. Good. Let me know if you can feel this, okay?
Jack: Yeah, I'm not enjoying that.
Derek: Good. That's a good sign.
Jack: It means I'm not paralyzed?
Derek: Well, the MRI Will show us the full extent of the injuries. But, uh, can we ask you what happened up there?
Dale: It was my fault.
Andy: Dale...it wasn't your fault.
Dale: 60 ways to get up Mount Rainier, and I had to pick Liberty Ridge
Jack: It wasn't the route. It was the storm. On a clear day, you don't think about storms. A minute later, the wind's pasting you to the side of the mountain, and you can't see your hand in front of your face.
Burke: Is that why you fell, because of the storm?
Jack: All I know is I felt the rope tug, and...I was in midair.
Andy: We all were. We were tied together. Must have been a 100-foot drop.
Dale: And when we came to, Lonnie wasn't moving.
Derek: Lonnie? He's your friend who's still missing?
Burke: Well, this Lonnie, is that why he didn't make it back, because he was hurt?
Jack: Because he was dead.
Burke: I'm sorry.
Jack: We had to leave him. We had to get to the other side of the mountain, or we'd be dead, too. We had no choice.
Dale: You always have a choice. You never leave a man behind.
(The test room for the interns)
Proctor: Please take your seats, doctors, and put all study materials away.
Cristina: Okay, if you don't know the answer, choose "B." It's always "B."
Proctor: And write your name in the upper right-hand corner of your answer sheets.
(George goes to sit down and then moves when Izzie sits nearby)
Proctor: You may open your test booklets...now.
(Joe and Walter are in the exam room with Rina and Addison)
Joe: We...we don't have to be here if you're uncomfortable.
Rina: Oh, no, it's fine. Un...unless you're uncomfortable.
Joe: Actually, uh, I...I...
Walter: He's fine.
Addison: So, Rina, how are you feeling? Any problems?
Rina: Just the fact that I'm huge, and I have, like, the worst heartburn I've ever had in my life.
Addison: I can prescribe an antacid for that. The first thing we're gonna do is take a look at the baby. This might be a little cold.
Rina: This baby deserves parents who are gonna make it their whole world, you know?
Joe: Y...you know we're gay, right?
Rina: I figured, with you both being boys and everything. The other couple I'm considering, they're,like,oh,40.
She's been trying to get pregnant for ten years. It's so sad.
Addison: There's the heartbeat.
Joe: Wow.
Rina: There's, like, a person inside of me.
Addison: Actually... There are two people. Twins.
Rina: Oh, my god.
Walter: Oh, my god.
Joe: Oh, my god. I think I'm gonna pass out.
Addison: Joe? Joe?
(The test room for the interns)
Proctor: Doctors, we are halfway through our allotted time. You only have 60 minutes left to complete the exam.
(Meredith sits there not completing anything on her test. Everyone else is working as hard as possible. George is distracted by Meredith's lack of concentration in the test.)
(The test is over and the interns are in the hall)
George: Meredith. Meredith! (She just walks away) She didn't write anything on the test. She didn't answer a single question. She just sat there.
Cristina: Wait, G...George, just...just give her a second.
(Burke, Derek, Mark, Callie and Bailey are in the x-ray room)
Burke: I've got an extensive antero-lateral flail chest. He'll need surgical stabilization.
Dr. Torres, if you're available, I would really...
Derek: She's not. My guy has bone fragments in his spinal cord, internal fixation. Dr. Torres is gonna scrub in with me.
Bailey: Uh, we have more than one orthopedic surgeon in this hospital.
Mark: And you'll need 'em, because Dr. Torres and I are looking at possible multiple amputations.
Callie: Guys, I can be there for all of you.
We just have to figure it out. Dr. Burke asked first.
(They all talk over each other)
Callie: Well, I mean, with all due respect...
Bailey: Okay, you all want Torres. Fine. Rock, paper, scissors.
Derek: One, two, three.
Bailey: All rocks .Very typical. Ready? And... Rock smashes scissors.
Callie: See you in the O.R.
Derek: Best two out of three. Dr. Burke!
(Everyone leaves except Mark and Bailey. Mark stands there smiling at her.)
Bailey: What?
Mark: I just wanted to know how it feels...to not have to spend the next 24 hours wondering if Richard picked you to be chief resident. How's it feel to be the chosen one?
(Mark leaves)
Bailey: Feels just fine.
(Meredith walks past Derek who is at the nurse's station)
Derek: Hey. How'd it go? Meredith.
(She keeps walking without even acknowledging Derek)
Cristina: Don't worry. I've got it.
(Izzie, George, Alex and Cristina are in the hallway above where Meredith is sitting in the waiting room)
Izzie: It's not like she actually flunked. She...she just didn't write anything.
Alex: It's kinda like she actually flunked.
George: One guy two years ago, he was on call three nights before his test. He slept through the whole thing.
He had to repeat his intern year.
Izzie: She can't repeat her intern year. It's pathetic. We have to do something. Cristina.
Cristina: What? O...okay, I don't know. I mean, Meredith and I don't fail things. This is not in my book.
(All of their pagers go off)
George: It's Bailey. We gotta go. We gotta go.
Izzie: We can't just leave her here.
Alex: You got a better idea?
(They all walk up to where Bailey is)
Bailey: Okay, it's, uh, show time, people. Yang, you're scrubbing in with Dr. Burke. Karev, you're with Dr. Montgomery. Stevens, find Dr. Sloan.
George: You paged me, too.
Bailey: Mercy West.
George: Callie told you.
Bailey: You're in the best surgical program in the country, the toughest, most competitive, most respected.
You want to leave this for Mercy West?
George: Mercy West...
Bailey: Is not Seattle Grace. Are you trying to...after all the work that we've put into you, are you trying to throw your career away?
George: I'm trying to... Do what's best for me right now. I've had some personal issues.
Bailey: I...I don't know what your personal problems are, and I don't care. I do care about your career, so let me make myself clear. This is a mistake.
(George walks away and past Izzie who has been watching from afar)
Izzie: George...
(Callie has been watching the whole exchange from nearby)
(George is in the waiting room with Meredith)
George: It's like we're on a train that's going 200 miles an hour, and it would just be so nice to get off and just...stand on the platform, just for a minute.
Meredith: Looks like I'm off the train.
George: Our parents died. When a parent dies, it doesn't make any sense. So you make a lot of really terrible decisions...that you're gonna end up having to live with for a long time.
Meredith: You should go. You are still on the train. It's okay. You have to go. Go. Go. Go, go.
(Addison enters the ER and Adele calls to her)
Adele: Addison.
Addison: Adele. What are you doing here? What happened?
Adele: A fender bender. I'm fine. I told the ER Resident I'm fine, but...
Addison: All right, I'm gonna page Richard. I'll let him know you're here.
Adele: Oh, you will do no such thing, Addison. Richard cannot know I'm here. We're separated. My life is none of his business. I'm serious.
Addison: Okay. Uh, all right. Well...let's get you checked out. Do you have any, um, any pain, any...anything?
Adele: Well...there's one thing I should probably mention. I'm pregnant.
(Adele and Addison are in an exam room)
Addison: The baby looks fine on the ultrasound, but you are spotting a little. It's nothing severe, but I would like to hold you overnight for observation.
Adele: Overnight? Oh, no. I'm sorry
Addison: But...for just a couple of hours at least. Look, it could be nothing. But a pregnancy at your age is...
Adele: Terrifying? Embarrassing?
Addison: I was going to say a miracle.
Adele: I don't know. I resigned myself to the fact a long time ago that I would never have kids, and here I am, 52, about to be divorced and pregnant.
Addison: May I ask who...the father is?
Adele: You may ask.
Addison: Look, all I'm saying is that if Richard finds out that you're walking around this hospital carrying another man's baby...
Adele: Richard is not going to find out because neither one of us are going to tell him.
(Addison walks into the hall and bumps into Richard)
Addison: Chief.
Richard: Addison. I just heard the news.
Addison: You...you heard? Who told you? What...what did you hear?
Richard: That Joe and Walter are adopting. Is the birth mom here? I'd love to put in a good word.
Addison: Oh, no, no, no. Chief, you don't want to go in there. It's a young girl... in the stirrups, you know, her equipment exposed, right? You don't want to see that.
Richard: No, I...I don't want to see that.
(Alex is in the waiting room with Meredith)
Meredith: Are you going to give me an inspirational speech, too?
Alex: No.
(Izzie and George are in the hall)
Izzie: George...
George: Oh, I can't talk. I have a patient to prep.
Izzie: This isn't about you and me. This is about Meredith. What are we gonna do?
George: There's nothing to do.
Izzie: What?
George: I'm not even gonna be here in a week, so...
Izzie: So your transferring to another hospital means we're not gonna be friends anymore? Why are you doing this, George? Didn't you hear a word of what Bailey said?
(They walk past the curtain where the climbers are)
Andy: What were we supposed to do, hmm, carry him down the mountain? He was our friend, and we left him there.
Jack: If we hadn't, we'd be dead, too. You know that.
Andy: Dale was right. You don't...you don't do that. You don't climb all the way up there together just to leave a man behind.
(Addison is in the scrub room with Callie)
Addison: I am being stalked by pregnant women.
Callie: You're an obstetrician.
Addison: And barren. You know, apparently as a healthy, successful woman in her 30s, I don't deserve to have a baby. Maybe I'd have a fighting chance if were gay or a teenager or a member of the AARP.
Callie: Oh, that sucks. It really...
Addison: No, Oh, no, not you, too.
Callie: Oh, no, no, I'm not. I'm just...I'm thinking about it. That's all. Oh, I don't know. I don't even know. It's just that with George going to Mercy West next year...
Addison: He is?
Callie: Yeah, they have a spot for him, and we need a fresh start. We need to get away from all this crap. It might be a good time.
Addison: It's a great time. Don't let me and my fossilized eggs discourage you.
Callie: Are we gonna be friends still if I get pregnant?
Addison: Absolutely not.
(George walks up to Richard in the hall)
George: Hi, chief.
Richard: O'Malley, finally coming to see me about that letter from mercy west?
George: No, sir. I'm here about Meredith.
I have to say, I don't get it.
(Callie is in surgery with Cristina, Burke and Dale)
Cristina: I have to say I don't get it. Why would anybody waste their time freezing and climbing up the side of a glacier?
Burke: It's a way to test yourself, you know, your strength and endurance. You put yourself through a situation like that, and you know exactly who you are, what you're made of.
Burke: No. You?
Callie: I used to, all the time, in college.
Burke: Really?
Cristina: Really?
Callie: Yeah, it's, intense. I mean, it's painful and hellish, and you think your lungs are shredding, but,
man, when you get to the top, there is nothing like it. Makes the whole climb worth it.
(She leaves and then enters the surgery where Mark, Izzie and Andy are)
Callie: How's it going?
Mark: Worse than I thought. There's nothing here.
Callie: We're gonna amputate both?
Izzie: You can't amputate both of his hands. Isn't the left hand less damaged?
Mark: I don't want to take the man's hands, Dr. Stevens. Once the infection gets that deep, the only way to save his life is to make the cut.
(Derek is in surgery with Jack)
Derek: The patient's laminotomy happens at what level, Dr. O'Malley?
George: The level of maximal neural compressions between the pedicles of the fractured vertebrae.
Derek: Very good. You must have aced your exam today.
George: I don't know about aced.
Derek: How did Meredith do?
George: Yeah, she was kinda...don't worry, though. I talked to the chief.
Derek: About what?
George: She didn't tell you?
(Alex enters Jane Doe's room where she is pacing the floor)
Alex: All right, here's the thing...the Seattle police department's been on this for weeks. They've been in contact with missing persons from all 50 states, Canada, the FBI
Jane Doe: Alex...
Alex: You know how many people are trying to find you?
Jane Doe: Yeah, yes.
Alex: That's right. You do know. You know exactly how many relatives you have. You know if your parents are dead or alive. You know if you've got a sister somewhere who cries every day because she has no idea what happened to you.
Jane Doe: Stop it.
Alex: What do you think it's like for your husband?
Jane Doe: He didn't come looking for me, okay? He obviously doesn't want to find me. Besides, it's my life.
Alex: No, not just yours. What about your daughter? I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna lie for you. If you're not gonna tell anybody, I will.
Jane Doe: What are you gonna say? You don't know my real name. You don't know anything about me. It'll be my word against yours.
Alex: You're right. I have absolutely no idea who you are.
(He leaves, slamming the door behind him)
(George and Izzie are in the scrub room)
Izzie: You paged me?
George: Yeah. Uh, I think I figured out a way to help Meredith. But I've got Shepherd's post-op, so... I can't do it without your help. And I won't leave the program without, uh, knowing that she's still in it.
Izzie: You're not leaving the program. Listen... we made a mistake. We had s*x. But that's all it was. I think we both wanted it to mean something because...you didn't want to have to feel like that guy that cheats on his wife, and I didn't want to have to feel like that girl who put you in that position in the first place. But the truth is... it didn't mean anything. I know you think I have feelings for you, but I don't. So you can stay. You're not leaving the program.
(Izzie leaves and then enters a utility room where she begins to cry)
(Mark and Callie are walking through the hall)
Mark: Nice work...three surgeries at the same time.
Callie: I performed four osteosyntheses, amputated two hands and stabilized one spine in two hours.
Mark: Impressive. Looks like Bailey's not a shoo-in for chief resident after all.
(Bailey walks up)
Bailey: Uh, you're in the running for chief resident, too?
Callie: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
Bailey: No. Uh, it makes sense. I just... I hadn't thought about it. That's all.
Callie: I'm good at what I do, Bailey. I'm focused, I'm disciplined, I'm...I'm more than qualified to be chief resident. Look, we all know that you're the chief's favorite, but that doesn't mean I can't take a shot.
(Izzie escorts Meredith to a conference room where Richard is)
Izzie: Here she is.
Richard: Thank you, Stevens. You can go now.
Izzie: We'll be waiting right outside.
Meredith: You don't have to.
Izzie: Shut up.
Meredith: If you called me here to lecture me...
Richard: There's a copy of the intern's exam on the table, some number 2 pencils, a bottle of water and a sandwich if you get hungry. I'll send a proctor in, and I'll come back in a few hours and check on you.
Meredith: You are not my father.
Richard: I know that. I know.
(He hugs her and she breaks down crying)
(Derek looks in and sees Meredith taking her test and all her friends are waiting nearby. He is once again left behind.)
Alex: Well, at least test day is almost over.
Cristina: Speak for yourself. I'm getting married tomorrow.
(Seattle scenes)
(Joe's bar)
Burke: Hey.
Addison: Hey. This is what you invited me to? This is your big bachelor party?
Derek: It was last-minute. I needed some warm bodies.
Mark: Which would explain why I'm here.
Addison: Why am I the only girl, by the way? What am I, the entertainment? I am not stripping.
Derek: That's okay. We've seen it already.
Mark: True.
Burke: I haven't.
Addison: Yeah, well, why don't I buy you a drink instead? First round's on me.
(Mark goes to the bar with her)
Mark: I'll give you a hand with those.
Derek: Cristina write her vows?
Burke: I guess I'll find out tomorrow. How's Meredith doing?
Derek: I have no idea. Shouldn't be this difficult, should it?
Burke: Probably not. Then again...when I see Cristina walking down that aisle tomorrow...
Derek: It'll all be worth it?
(Addison and Mark are at the bar)
Mark: So how was LA?
Addison: LA was...different. Look, Mark... things don't have to be awkward between us. We tried. We tried, and we did our best, and just because we failed as a couple, it doesn't mean...
Mark: I know.
Addison: So we're still friends?
Mark: With benefits?
Addison: Don't push it.
Mark: Thanks, Joe.
Addison: So hey, how'd it go with, uh, Rina?
Joe: Oh, well... Walter took her to the bus station, and I'm pretty sure he was wishing it was me he was dropping off.
Addison: That bad, huh?
Joe: If I can't even make it through an ultrasound without breathing into a paper bag, how am I gonna handle a kid? Forget about twins.
Addison: You two are gonna make great parents, okay? Whenever that happens.
Joe: You...ever think about having kids?
Addison: All the time.
(Richard is walking in the hall and sees Adele, she ducks into the women's room)
Richard: Adele? Adele. Oh, come on. I know you saw me. Now this is just silly. You don't have to hide. I've moved on. I'm dating now. Okay, I'm not actually dating, but I intend to...at some point.
(Cristina's bachlorette party at Meredith's house)
Cristina: What the hell am I supposed to do about the stupid vows?
Meredith: You still haven't written anything?
Cristina: Well, it's stupid crap.
Izzie: No, it isn't.
Cristina: Well, what am I supposed to say? I swear to love and cherish you every moment of every day of my life? I mean, that's not real. I mean, that's not how it works, right?
Callie: It does, at first, but then it...
Meredith: It passes.
Izzie: No, it doesn't. You guys are just used to it. That's all. You already have it. You have that thing everybody else wants. You can take it for granted. But let me tell you, if you didn't, if you couldn't be with the person that you love, I guarantee that hearing him promise to love you and honor you and cherish you, no matter what, it would be pretty much all you could think about.
Cristina: Wait, can you say that again, uh, just slowly?
Meredith: You're talking about Denny, right?
Izzie: Yeah.
(Derek is at the bar when a woman walks up)
Woman: Hi.
Derek: Hi.
Woman: Can I buy you a drink?
Derek: You're forward.
Woman: Bad day, I get to be forward today.
Derek: Yeah, I had a bad day, too.
Woman: So what do you say, one drink?
Derek: Um... I'm with some friends. It's a bachelor party. So I'm gonna... I'm gonna say no.
Woman: That's too bad.
Derek: Yeah... maybe you're right.
(George is sitting alone in the hall of the hospital)
(Jane Doe walks up to Alex who is in the NICU with her baby)
Jane Doe: Rebecca Pope. That's my name.
(Richard is still outside the bathroom)
Richard: Adele! (He enters the bathroom) Adele, come on. Now you've got me in this ladies' room. The least you could do is an...(He sees Adele on the floor) Adele. Oh, my god.
(Walter and Rina enter Joe's bar)
Joe: What are you doing here?
Walter: Sweetie, get Rina some water.
Addison: I thought you guys were going to the bus station.
Rina: We were. It's this heartburn. It's like it's...it's ripping through...(She falls to the floor)...oh!
Addison: Call an ambulance.
(Bailey is on the phone)
Bailey: Tucker, uh, since he's awake, can you put him on?
(An ambulance arrives)
Bailey: Let me call you back. (To paramedic) Nicole, what have you got?
Paramedic: We got the fourth climber. Pressure's 70s, last pulse 135. Severely hypothermic. Started two large-bore IVs. Oh, and, uh, obvious head trauma.
(She pulls back the blanket)
Bailey: Is that an axe in his head? What the hell happened up on that mountain? Let's go.
(Richard is on the bathroom floor)
Richard: Adele. Somebody help me! Please! (He puts his hand into a puddle of Adele's blood) Somebody help. Please, somebody help me!