Fallen Crown
All ma girls be hookin
My wife in the little kitchen cooking
Cig to her lips, pulling it on
Hookin until they high
Higher than the Lady Liberty
Liberty is a lie, Lying hope
As people pray on their knees on this hope they scream
For that illusion of safe and secure from a pope under the word of god, causing more frustration
When empty promises aren't filled
Conspiracy in the world, world's going down, down to hell
Hell, if you wake up and look around
I’m from hell but in the end i’ll be higher in heaven then the rest
Maybe we wouldn't be screwed over in this mess
A mess caused by the later generations
Generations, that are 6 ft under dead
Burn the ashes
Ashes to ashes until the posy withers in your hands and in the end we all fall down dead
If i was a king
I would tear this world at the seams
Switch it back
Back to the start
Start from the beginning
Beginning where it went wrong
It went wrong so long
So long we have been in the dark
To long i've worn out my heart
Heart where it beats
It beats in my music that echos in the streets
Street pulling at my stings
The strings we use, to sting up the fakes
The fakes in the air
Air so still
Its time to change it up!