The dagger at my belt it dances
Whene'er I dance;
But when I drink the foaming wine-cup
Then it grows sad;
For it is thirsty too, the dagger
It thirsts for blood!
"Give, give me drink," it saith, "O Master
For if I wear no stain of crimson
The sunshine is ashamed to glitter
Upon my blade
Then give, that I too may be drunken
With the warm blood that flows from wounds
The maids will find thy kisses sweeter
When thou hast quenched my thirst
And I shall dance, when thou art dancing
More gaily at thy belt."
Did I but heed my dagger, now at night-time
I should go find thee, love
Bеneath thy shift I should seek out so deftly
The spot whеre beats thy heart
And pour the blood's red warmth out for my dagger
Because thy kiss, O love, thou has denied me
And because I for that thy kiss have thirsted
Even as the dagger thirsteth for thy blood
Then will the sunshine sparkle and be merry
Seeing thy red young blood
Yea, and the merry sunbeams, they shall dry it
Together with my tears
My tears and thy blood shall flow together
Mingling like rivers twain;
And though thy blood by hot, yet can it never
Be burning as my tears
Nay, but thy blood will wonder when it feeleth
How burning are my tears
The dagger at my belt it dances
Whene'er I dance;
But when I drink the foaming wine-cup
Then it grows sad;
For it is thirsty too, the dagger
It thirsts for blood!