Alfredo Antolin:
Aku butuh kamu jadi rumah ku
(I need you to be my home)
Disaat ku perlu kau hadir di hidupku
(When I need you to be present in my life)
Walau ku tau kau berbeda, kini kau telah dengan dirinya
(Even though I know you are different, now you are with him)
Namun kau sempatkan tuk singgah
(But you still make time to stop by,)
Kuras ku hingga tak bersisa
(Draining me until nothing is left)
Rasa yang resah ku terima
(The restless feelings I accept,)
Ku hilang takda tempat tinggal
(I am lost, with no place to stay)
Duniaku gelap gulita
(My world is dark and empty)
Ini hidupku bukan cerita
(This is my life, not a story)
Rumahku telah hilang, terpalang emosi di dalam jiwa
(My home is gone, blocked by еmotions within my soul)
Kosong hati ku bercerita, ku harap ini tidaklah nyata
(My empty hеart speaks, I wish this wasn’t real)
Ku telah tidur dengan pulas, namun ku bangun di atas nisan
(I slept so soundly, but woke up atop a tombstone)
Harap sembuh cepat lah lekas, ku buat secarik surat dengan tulisan
(Hope to heal quickly, I write a letter with these words)
Kau buatku begini, luka yang perih
(You made me like this, with wounds that sting)
Sakit yang tak terukir, kau pergi disini
(A pain that can't be described, you left here)
Rumahku telah pergi, kini aku sendiri
(My home is gone, now I am alone)
Temani ku di sepi, aku menangis
(Accompany me in solitude, I cry)
Ditempat yang tinggi kini aku menari
(In a high place now I am dancing)
Di rumah kubercermin, hilang diri ini
(At home I look in the mirror, this self is gone)
Terlalu sakit yang kau tinggalkan
(The pain you left is too much)
Sesak tak bisa ku hindarkan
(The suffocation I can't escape)
Hubungan manis tak kau indahkan
(The sweet relationship you ignored)
Hilang lalu pergi tanpa alasan
(Gone and left without a reason)
Why you promise with me
(Why did you promise me)
Untuk bersama tapi kau tak disini
(To be together but you're not here)
Why you promise with me
(Why did you promise me)
Hanya omong kosong bukan ku yang kau pilih
(Just empty words, not me that you chose)
You you you leave and i know Yeahhhh ~
Alfredo Antolin:
Aku butuh kamu jadi rumah ku
(I need you to be my home)
Disaat ku perlu kau hadir di hidupku
(When I need you to be present in my life)
Walau ku tau kau berbeda, kini kau telah dengan dirinya
(Even though I know you are different, now you are with him)
Namun kau sempatkan tuk singgah
(But you still make time to stop by,)
Kuras ku hingga tak bersisa
(Draining me until nothing is left)