And Hannah prayed and she said:
"My heart rejoiced through the LORD, my horn is raised high through the LORD. My mouth is wide to bolt down my foes; for I was gladdened by Your rescue.
There is no one holy like the LORD, for there is no one beside You, and there is no bastion like our God.
Do not go on talking high and mighty - arrogance slips from your mouth - for a God all-knowing is the LORD, and His is the measure of actions
The warriors' bow is shattered and stumblers gird up strength.
The sated are hired for bread and the hungry cease evermore. The barren woman bears seven and the many-sonned woman is bleak.
The LORD deals death and grants life, brings down to Sheol and lifts up.
The LORD impoverishes and bestows wealth, plunges down and also exalts.
He raises the poor from the dust, from the dungheaps the wretched He lifts to seat among princes, a throne of honer He bequeaths them. For the LORD's are the pillars of earth, upon them He founded the world.
The steps of His faithful he watches, and the wicked in darkness turn dumb, for not by might will a man prevail.
The LORD shatters his adversaries, against them in the heavens He thunders. The LORD judges the ends of the earth: may he grant strength to His king and raise high His anointed's horn."