Time and tide tarry for no man-handling handcock willing to fuck with my mans
Get you fucked up in a jam
I spit this fermentation
I candy crush on your plans- threefold
Time and tide tarry for no man cruising
I'm talking tom, with the mission I'm at
I'm just here to bust on your can
Busting your chopped off fingers
One man at a hand
Time and tide, carrying waves on my scalp
Bring the scalpel, I'm the surgery man
Cursing ground coffee with sand
From the soil
Soya beans on my pan
Demanding the land
400 times
440's aching my mind
Hanging over there baking with mans
I'm bout to black out with my Poe's
Sifu said this edgar allan panda was sad
Time and Tide
And On my mind was pride
Time and tide tarrying
Time and tide tarry for no man
Time and tide
Time and tide
And from time to time
Tom and tod
I'm just bad with words
Time and tide