See ya around, maybe next Tuesday?
Well any which way you & I will be closer to death
See ya around, is Wednesday any better?
I don't know, but you're certainly wasting up a lot of breath
So long, buddy! Hope ya had a good time!
Take some home with ya because you're currently wasting mine
Have a safe trip! Hope I'll catch ya later!
No more today, because our time together
Makes me wanna sit and recline & wind down
Winding down
How can such intelligent life be so ignorant to its place?
The social norm is to be brainwashed & left inside a cage
Information isn't knowledge, but improves the means of knowing
There's truth to the breeze that lets you know your ass is showing
This song title is a sentence
& this album is a statement
Intellectual hooliganism
Leads you from your own enslavement