Man has circled the globe
And the wealth of the earth is his
With benevolent rule
He has risen to great acclaim
He has named all the stars
The descendants of Abraham
And the waters and the winds
And the humors and the bones
And the follies and the sins
All that man has made his own
He has built a lofty tower
From the rubble of the stones
He has mastered every tongue
And forever will be known
Man has planted and grown
An abundance of all good things
To the glory of God
Has commissioned each masterpiece
An unceasing advance
What improvements to his mind
Both in science and in art
Wisdom’s sight unto the blind
All the wonders man has wrought!
Man will one day reduce
All the myst’ries of alchemy
And of temporal pain
He will eat from the Tree of Life
It is ripe with good fruit
With a circlet of gold
And a castle of ivory
And a scepter of iron
He will uphold the prophet’s hands
And the lands will be won as the writings foretold
Neither dying nor life
Angels or principalities
Powers now or to come
Soaring heights or the darkest depths
Nor the fearsomest beasts
Shall be able to separate
Man from the love of his God
Which is in Jesus Christ our Lord
If God is for us
Then no one can be against
And in all of these things
We are better than conquerors
Virum mihi, Camena
Insece versutum
Man has fashioned machines
To increase for posterity
The enjoyment of life
Feed the hungry, cure the ill
Shelter beggars on the street
Care for mothers and for children
The great become the least
Man’s ambition is vast
And his resources infinite
There is nothing to fear
He will do what he thinks is right
Be enlightened at last
I have made good my claim
Both to valor and industry
Thus I challenge my share
Of wisdom—we are but men
And the end clips our wings
When we pitch where we aim
The thing that hath been
It is that which shall be
And that which is done
Is that which shall be done
And there is no new thing under the sun
There is no new thing under the sun