You′re so good with words
I miss your clever tongue
But you know how much it hurts
To not have anyone
And I passed no return
Broke our silent peace
I hope you'll call me first
And take back everything
Can I hurt you
Hurt you back
If I could show you
I′d show you that
That I hate you
For not coming back
How's your new best friend
But I already know
She posts online again
Is nothing personal?
Can I hurt her
Hurt her back
If I could show her
I'd show her that
That I hate her
For not giving you back to me
But if I′m honest
You look happier with her than me
Yeah, we could have been fine
Yeah, you could have saved everything
But you didn′t even try
Not a text or call or anything
Can I hurt you
Hurt you back
If I could show you
I'd show you that
That I hate you
For not coming back
I hate you
For not coming back