Have you stopped loving me yet
I mean it’s been at least a day
It’s the only explanation for why you
Said „I love you“ in a different way
I reach for you
We’re both hanging on this door
And I know you’re not Jack but I’m afraid
You will let go of me without a cause
I try to look through a window
But I only see my eyes
The spinning top keeps moving
And I can’t judge left and right
Broken mirror pieces
That I think reflect what’s real
Gotta put it back together
And stop running by this fortune wheel
Walking through my streets
People turn their heads on me
Walls start to collapse
Guess I Gotta stop controlling to be free
Trying to import
When it should be domеstically produced
Works only if the safety’s sеlf infused
I try to look through a window
But I only see my eyes
The spinning top keeps moving
And I can’t judge left and right
Broken mirror pieces
That I think reflect what’s real
Gotta put it back together
And stop running by this fortune wheel
When it defies the laws of physics
It’s about time you figure out
Primal instincts and past traumas
Have left their eternal doubt
And I don’t know where we’re at
And I don’t think I can know
So I sink onto the ground
And let go
I try to look through a window
But I only see my eyes
The spinning top keeps moving
And I can’t judge left and right
Broken mirror pieces
That I think reflect what’s real
Gotta put it back together
And stop running by this fortune wheel