*backwards theme*
*portal noise*
*Sapphire theme*
*choir in full*
*Sapphire theme in full*
[Anaiah Orlando]
I look around, only to see.
Purple lights, surrounding me.
The green then fades, from the nearest tree.
It's been a favor, from you to me.
*notebook scuffling*
*pages turning*
[Anaiah Orlando]
I sit down to make a decision. But stand up to focus my vision. In my mind, there's a perfect path, but I just can't choose it. Time slows, as it always does. But life stays in gear. I think about what it would be like for this life to be a perfectly paved road. And if only there was a place further up were this road existed. A place of royalty. A Palace of Sapphire. I wish to be there. Oh, how it's straight rows and sharp edges embody what I want to be. And if only, being self-reflective could get me there. And not even here am I comfortable. In fact I'm Uncomfortable. And Desultory. The only way to be.