The best of us don't give a fuck. we just play nice
I dipped my pen in pig's blood. signed my life and its labor over to unchaste women on the business ends of hangers. no thanks, sir. i'll take male privilege and march proudly. god's image has a dick and fears no dark alley's consent. i catcall bullets and angels hum along, drowning elevator music rape whistle culling songs. no piercing deaf ears 'til rosie rivets prostate check-ups. forgot that feminism is not just tipping strippers extra. disconnect us. barefoot contessa stepford fetish burning bra drawbridge is faux leftist. so coquettish. it jetsets measurements sketched to pro-ana's choosing coincidence and corsets cropped by cameras licking tumors. so much ruin in the subtext of an eyelash. face of ginger immolation. save the steaks for salem typecasts. and when rape gives you lemons call the seed it sews a savior. a gloryhole myth to make the bastard less an anchor
That's in your favor