The seasons come and they go, changing over time
The leaves will grow and fall, the cycles of life
But you are the constant, ever in my life
The light in my heart
The thought of you brings so much joy
The thought of you brings me home
The thought of you brings me to my knees
Knowing there's so much more
How may I serve you more
How may I love you more
How may I be closer to you
You are the wind, that presses against my sails
The stars that Shine bright, through the thickest veils
You are this vessel, carrying me along the way
Ever from my heart
Mantra: Jai Jai Jai Jagadambe (A mantra giving praise and connect with the divine mother of the universe)
Ma: Another name for the divine mother
Mother of love. Mother of my heart. Mother of my soul. Mother of all