SFAC (Shots From A Commoner) is a bars ridden crypto rap, the 1st to hide the 24 mnemonic words to a private key containing bitcoins in the song
Some of the words are outright on the track, some are hidden in heavy bars
If you decode it, the bitcoins in the song is yours
I’m not a rapper, I’m a creative, writing is my thing, ideas are my gift
This is a very unique way to bring art to the accepted norm of brilliance
By trade I’m a techie, I build cool apps and or idea generate, product development/improvement
If you’d like to donate towards a second more professional “clues” track to help you decode SFAC, please do via btc: 1EyjezdReUEsmVM9Wh8wk2iKY8brHi3swZ
Goal $10,000
20% of donations will be set aside for the track producer (of the Rakim track used in SFAC). Hopefully, they appreciate the value of this new direction of music monetization
15% will go into the bitcoin address for SFAC
As time goes on the value of the track grows until it’s decoded
Lyrics added at $5,000
I am available for consulting in the blockchain space