And the cold inside his eyes did grow
Gathered breath before he spoke
Long ago
I could have guided you
Before this beard grew gray
Upon that last ghastly day
Upon this latitude
The event which left me broken
Gaze upon this ocean
As waves crash into these cliffs
I am composed
With this death of grandeur
And the cold voice
Inside these winds
Shriek to summon
The girth of this vortex
Bottomless the abyss
Behold the maelstrom
It was here amongst my kin
We began our descent
Into liquid ebony
Encircled in chaos
Above us and below
In this deluge
Clinched within its jaws
I would witness decimation
Of the flesh and of the soul
In recollection of this cataclysm
I now tremble within
As I stared into its eye
Cast myself into its walls
Clinging as I watched the mast
And sails enveloped
As the rays of the moon
Illuminate into the depths
And they perished
A cry to heaven
Sent from its core
A pathway between
Time and eternity