Well it seems today that all you can see
Is violence and sex, what we need (On TV)
Is a guy who can give back the values
On which we rely
Still, sex and violence reign free
Harming the ones who watch TV
Quahog, our hometown, needs to know
What happened to our TV shows
Without good values, skies will tear
Soon will the land shatter with fear
Then, with a heartbeat, fraught with dread
Quahog will breathe her last breath
And, in that moment, Griffins three
Come to enact their destiny
Stewie and Peter, and also Brian
Unite to save all of mankind
They alone can stop lust and hatred's reign
And the airwaves would rejoice
Finally they would start airing good stuff on FOX
Saving Quahog from destruction
And today, a fountain of Pawtucket's finest ale
Stands upon the ground at Peter Griffin's house
But nearby his house, a new bar's opening its doors
What does the Clam have in store?