(Recently I've been distracted
Wasting time instead of being constructive
I've watched too much and spent my hours wishing for the willpower to be more productive
And here's what I've realised)
Fuck man!
Yah yah yah yah yah yah (x3)
(There are just too many reasons not to be an artist)
Fuck is my lighter??
My author is the mask of my pain
Im in the fog
Why is my father coming back to my brain
I did a line I feel the toxins as they're packing my veins
I'm in the garden am I lost or off track for the day?
(Verse: 1)
Light is the crown rest
Typing the sound
I lay it down the files fresh
Making a round I'll play around when the crowds dead
Painting the town red
Mean Joe with the toss
Black and mild with the green
We keep going across
Keep hope in your heart
Keep hearts on your sleeve
The sleeves growing apart
The pleats not in the genes
Cause we know a facade
We scream out in the ethers "we've chosen Allah"
Seeds sowed in the dark
My author is the mask of my pain
Im in the fog
Why is my father coming back to my brain
I did a line I feel the toxins as they're packing my veins
I'm in the garden am I lost or off track for the day?
(I don"t have the money to make what i wanna make
I don"t have the time to make what i wanna make
I don"t have the talent or the work ethic or the creativity
I'm inadequate
People won't see what I've made
What if they do see it and they don't like it?
What if they see it and they like it
But then forget about it straightaway??)
(Verse: 2)
Knob twist knot tight
I've been on this all night
Novice drop kick
Talk spite
Cautious options stoplight
Siren songs for the youth
A few drinks uber ride to curb
Make the best of my time on this earth
New scars over old cuts
Had a relapse arm was tore up
Had breakdown broke my own thumb
Hope to go nuts
Staring at the ceiling rode the flow up
Burying my feeling hope the shore comes quick
Hit sink I gotta throw up
Fritz said the summer could get cold like this
(I could make that but its too boring too cheesy too complex too similar to that other thing too generic too obvious too outrageous
What if I've already made the best thing ill ever make?
Its much easier to consume what other people have already made because i'll never be as good as the greats
It's much easier to leave my ideas in my head where they're safe
To be honest I don't even know what it is that I wanna make
There are too many good reasons not to be an artist
So I ask this:
Are you gonna let any of them stop you?)