Lock me up in a room
Where all I do is stare
Were you ever really there?
There with me at all?
Lock me up in a room
It makes me want to cry
Is it the same to love
And to say good bye
Opaque smokescreens
Surround me
Coverin my wet dreams
And i see you
In Shinjuku
In a sea of people
Dancing down the street
Caught in a trance
Maybe romance
Babygirl stop
This doesn't make any sense
I think I'm losing my mind
But i like it
Yeah i like it
'cause i think too much and i talk too fast
Babyfaced bastard, banging on beats
Aritculate asshole when i rap
Confident kid when i want some coochie
But you can see right through me
You can see deep down that I'm lonely
And I keep myself busy
If i don't then i might drown up
In these thoughts
And you get it cause
We're on different sides of the same coin
An astronomical voice calls out
To the both of us
Virgos that were meant to be
And meant to meet
On the retrograde of mercury
You see, its like a movie scene in 70s
Too bad it was just too good to be true
But then again, so was you