I feel like nothing's going on
But I know something's wrong
I have a girl on my side
She's playing with my tongue
No sound around
It's got me thinking of the time
When I was in trouble with the law and any kind
Only waiting for the moment when they catch me
Scared of any kind of noise
Are they gonna see me?
'Cause I never was a man who just sat back
There are many hearts faces and cars I didn't crack
I kept them in check then said see you then
The things in my past now I'm afraid of again
And even if you take every step without a care
The past is always there so beware
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past
Past will be your present
Present will be your past