The phone rings
Somebody must be thinking about me
Somebody maybe turned down the sound of the TV
To give me a call
The phone rings
Or should I say it vibrates in my pocket
I take a look at the clock
It's getting real late
But it could happen
Yeah, it could happen
The daylights, the faint glow on the taxi sign
The crushed hope that you'd change your mind
Well, here it comes back
It could happen
Yeah, it could happen
I changed
So why couldn't you?
Change the daylights
And when the rain came down
I hurried for the underground
And the last train home
The phone rings
And every time, a rush of blood
I've changed
So why shouldn't you have changed too?
The phone rings
Someone must be thinking about me
Somebody maybe walked out to the quiet street
To give me a call
It could happen
Yeah, it could happen