I can feel the foul breath of loneliness
Creep through my lungs when the city dies
At three in the morning
I want to sleep, to forget
A place that is so cruel and tainted
Even dreams feel like long dull needles
Being driven into my head. But these pills
Won’t stop my numbing respite from fading
As I wake up, harsh and painful memories
Converge in my head all at once. My throat burns
As I try to hold back tears
Writhing in this grotesque agony
Sorrow has stained everything around me…
My sheets… my clothes… it always seems to find me
I feel like I am phantoming through life
Each moment a lifeless drug-hazed, dream-fugue
I want to go away, to be forgotten
But every last drop of hope
Has been drained from my eyes
I am lost in these silent, abandoned suburbs
Surrendering to monotony
I know that I can never get away…