The first time that I did acid was the last time that I did acid
The room started spinning around
Thought I might die shit was shutting down
An evil demon came to me in a tree
His tongue turned to a staircase he was laughing at me
All my friends were going to die
So I climbed up the stairs to figure out why
They're gonna put me away
Lost all ability to think
Blood is dripping from my brain
My eyes start to dilate
Will I be like this forever?
Because I’ve totally gone insane
Will I be like this forever?
I know I'll never be the same
The first time that I did acid was the last time that I did acid
Blood started dripping from the walls
Fleas were crawling on my balls
An evil demon came to me in a tree
His tongue turned to a staircase he was laughing at me
All my friends were going to die
So I climbed up the stairs to figure out why
They're gonna put me away
Lost all ability to think
Blood is dripping from my brain
My eyes start to dilate
Will I be like this forever?
Because I’ve totally gone insane
Will I be like this forever?
I know I'll never be the same
The first time that I did acid was the last time that I did acid