[MRS TEAVEE, spoken]
Loompaland. There's no such place.
[WONKA, spoken]
I assure you, dear lady, there is.
[MRS TEAVEE, spoken]
Mr. Wonka, I teach geography.
[WONKA, spoken]
Ah, well in that case, you know all about it!
It really is the most charming story...
I was searching the dark green jungle
For a tree called the Theobroma
Like a sweet Margaret Mead
I let my nose lead
To its heavenly chocolate aroma
But the jungle was filled with snozzwangers!
Hornswagglers and wicked wangdoodles!
Who would make you their lunch
As your bones they would crunch
As they boiled your limbs for noodles
But no wretched beast
Would make me their feast
For my sword is as swift as lightning!
One by one they all fell
Though the ooze and the smell
They emitted was twice as frightening
Then from high in the trees
I heard foreign "Whoopee!"s
Then the source of the sound
Were all there on the ground
Barely up to my knee
They all screamed
"We're all free!"
And the sound of their bliss
It went something like this
(Ai ai!)
Ai ai ai ai!
(Oompa-loompa want it)
Now now now
(Ai ai ai ai!)
Oompa-loompa wanna
(Chew chew chew!)
Thank you!
[WONKA, spoken]
Oh, did I mention?
They're marvelous dancers!
Well they all dressed me up like a hero
They were breathless
And simply elated
Explanations were sung
In their strange Loompish tongue
Though for you now we'll gladly translate it
The beast hoarded all of our chocolate
Those disgusting vermicious killers
Yes, those monsters all thrived
As we barely survived
On a diet of mashed caterpillars
Through the months and the years
Other dull chocolatiers
Met their fate in the monsters' saliva
Poor Signor Ghirardelli
Now lines monster belly
With Herr Lindt
And Lady Godiva
But your magic machete
Turned beasts to spaghetti
Each hornsnozz and wang
You took down with a bang!
And it's safe now to chow
On the beans called cacao
And to celebrate it
Here's their number one hit!
(Ai ai!)
Ai ai ai ai!
(Oompa-loompa want it)
Now now now
(Ai ai ai ai!)
Oompa-loompa wanna
(Chew chew chew!)
Thank you!
They asked me
"How can we repay you
For bringing beans back to our lives?"
I said, "If you like this buffet, you
Will simply flip if you see my factory!"
And then an Oompa they called Hoffa
Stepped forth and said
Make us an offa'
I said
"I'll pay you in beans
If you man my machines"
He said
I ain't no schnook
We want beans every break!
I agreed and we shook
With a chocolate shake!
Now we sing and we dance
But they hate wearing pants
We all live in a dorm
And they love to perform!
Every wife is exotic
Though that one's neurotic
The fun won't diminish!
And now, here comes their big finish!
(Ai ai!)
Ai ai ai ai!
(Oompa-loompa want it)
Now now now
(Ai ai ai ai!)
Oompa-loompa wanna
(Chew chew chew!)
And now thanks to that tree
This "me"'s now a "we"
And we're all one big
Oompa-Loompa family!