I didn't know that I had to wake up today
I might as well be dead, just don't make me get outta bed
This kid kept trying to talk to me, I had my headphones on, bitch please
Its 7 in the morning, please just take a fucking hint
My teachers' pissed, I can't hear shit
At lunch, where am I gonna sit?
You bought me food, thanks, I like you
Now Lincoln's name is in a song
Take out the trash. Shit I forgot. How much do I hate this? a lot
I'm fucking dumb, I know its true
Arden didn't come to school
I could vape or I could drink, instead i'm gonna take it easy
Nevermind, these kids are cool, i guеss I'm gonna hit a fucking juul
I hate being the rеason my parents fight, it is making me want to end my life