Is there really a God?
We could really use
A miracle right now
My secrets, can't confide
They’re given away, as soon as I can
And no, I'm really not that scared
I deserve what I get
Even though I'm not prepared
I will conquer this
Protecting you
Protecting your uselessness
And I know you really did try
And they’re coming for me tonight
And I will greet them at the door, with a smile
Invite them in, to take me away
And it's all just a bad dream
A nightmare if you will
Leave your light on
So that I know you're home
And I've got somewhere
Some direction to run to
And I don't care how much this hurts
I'm prepared for the worst
And I've got my friends to back me up
I'm really not scared
I’ll get back to you
Is this what you want?
Is this what you wanted to see?
Is my pain not enough for your agony?
We’ve all got secrets
And we can't keep them all
They run
They hide
Leaving you and me behind to find more
This is what we’ve been waiting for
This is our chance
Come with me
Wake up