[JACK, spoken]
Drink in my penthouse! High above the stinkin' streets of New York
[CRUTCHIE, spoken]
Ha, you're crazy!
[JACK, spoken]
What? Because I like a breath of fresh air? 'Because I like seein' the sky and the stars?
[CRUTCHIE, spoken]
Pft, you're seein' stars alright
[JACK, spoken]
Them streets down there...they sucked the life right out'a my old man. Years of rotten jobs, stomped on by bosses...when they finally broke 'im, they tossed to the curb, just like yesterday's paper! Well, they ain't doin' that to ME!
[CRUTCHIE, spoken]
But everyone wants to come here
[JACK, spoken]
Ugh, New York's fine for those with a big, strong door to 'em out. I tell ya, Crutchie, there's a whole other world out there. So ya keep ya small life in a big city...give me a big life in a small town
[JACK, sung]
They say folks is dyin' to get here
Me? I'm dying to get away
To a town out west that's spankin' new
An' while I ain't never been there
I can see it clear as day
If you want, I betcha you could see it too
Heh, heh
Close your eyes
Come with me
Where it's clean and green and pretty
And they went and made a city out'a clay
Right the moment that you get there
Folks'll walk right up and say
"Welcome home, son
Welcome home to Santa Fe!"
Plantin' crops, splittin' rails!
Swappin' tales around the fire
Oh, 'cept for Sunday when you lie around all day
Soon ya friends are more like family
And they's beggin' you to stay
Ain't that neat?
Living sweet
In Santa Fe
[CRUTCHIE, spoken]
You got folks there?
[JACK, spoken]
I got no folks, nowhere. What, you?
[CRUTCHIE, spoken]
I don't need folks...I got friends
[JACK, spoken]
Hey...hey! How's about you come with me? No one cares about no bum leg in Santa Fe! No, you just hop a Palomino! You ride it in style
[CRUTCHIE, spoken]
Oh yeah, feature me, ridin' in style
[JACK, spoken]
Oh, hey, I bet a few months a' clean air, and you, you could toss that crutch for good!
Santa Fe
You can bet
We won't let them bastards beat us
We won't beg no one to treat us fair and square
There's a life that's worth the livin'
And I'm gonna do my share
Work the land
Chase the sun
Swim the whole Rio Grande just for fun
Watch me stand
Watch me run
[JACK, spoken]
Hey. Hey
Don't ya know that we's a family?
Would I let you down? No way
Just hold on, kid
'Til that train makes Santa Fe
[A bell.]
[JACK, spoken]
Time fa dreamin's done. Hey, Specs! Racer, Henry, Albert, Elmer! Get a move on, those papes don't sell themselves!
[Audience applause.]