You spend your days "gone fishing"
Stroking your rod for luck, or
"Eat my worm", you're wishing
Baiting some chubsucker
"There's plenty more fish in the sea":
Your romantic philosophy
Should not be taken lit'rally
Now when you buy a fillet
It will not be steamed, no!
Coz you Know you'd rather drill it
Just like in "Fucking Nemo"
In Your wet dreams, wet seamen
With their fishnets watch while creaming
As you eat a female bream in
You fuck fish
You have some ish...
...ues, you fishfucker
You'd cop a feel with an eel
You'd slide your peen into a sardine
You'd blow your wad in a nice blue cod
You met a sturgeon, now it's not a virgin
You'd fuck a halibut just for the hell of it
You'd stick your shlong in a wobbegong
Spray your tartar sauce on a seahorse
Use a puffer fish for your inflation fetish
There is no trout for whom you wouldn't put out
You'd post on Fark, how you fucked a shark
You'd go gay for a manta ray
"Fuck yeah" you'd sing, rooting Seaking
Oh yes, you'd root a barracuda and a wrasse
Cock slammin' in a Salmon while a bass gets nasty in your ass
She's like a mermaid and she's your lay- that's a Moray!
It's better darling, down where it's wetter
Sticking sushi up your tushy
Make the Abalones moan
Coz you Like a fish when it's boned...
...Because you're a fishfucker
You fuck fish