Bug Mane is an incredible boy
He's such a good rapper
And Bug Mane wants me to talk about Kokopelli again
Kokopelli the Native American Southwestern trickster god
Now Kokopelli is always depicted as holding a big flute
And he presides over agriculture
And fertility
So he's getting up next to the bed and he’s playing
While you're making love
He's making sure that you feel really good
Cause he wants there to be a big baby when everything's done with you
But you know what
He's a trickster god
He tricks you
We don't like Kokopelli very much, do we?
We just don't like, Kokopelli he's very tricky
He's a big trickster
He's like Roger Stone, Kokopelli
He's like the Southwestern, Roger Stone
Kokopelli's Rules
Just like Bug Mane
Some say they're one in the same
I say they're very different
Just like Bug Mane
Some say they're one in the same
I say they’re very, very different
A lot of people say that Bug Mane is just like Kokopelli
The Native American Southwestern trickster god
He’s a trickster
He tricks you
He's a big trickster
He tricks you a lot
Just like Bug Mane
Some say they're one in the same
I say they're very different
Just like Bug Mane
Some say they're one in the same
I say they're very different
I think they're very, very different
I think Bug Mane and Kokopelli are nothing alike when actually think about it
I don't think they’re anything like him at all
I don't think they're anything like him at all
I think that Kokopelli is very different from Bug Mane
I think that Bug Mane is very different for Kokopelli
For one thing Kokopelli
Is holding a big flute
I don't think I've ever seen Bug Mane holding the big flute
I don't think Bug Mane holds the flute
And I don't think that Bug Mane presides over childbirths and fertility and whether or not something's fertility
I think that Kokopelli does that
And I think there's a lot of
There's a long record, long record of Kokopelli
He's got the flute and he hangs out and he's
He's there with the whole thing with sex
And childbirth and all of it with agriculture
And I don't see the same from Bug Mane
I see Bug Mane as hanging out and vibing and being wavey
And I don't get waves from Kokopelli
I know he likes to do music and he--
He's a god of music and a god of tricks
And it may be in that way
You know, Bug Mane is
He's kind of a god of music as well
But I think Kokopelli is much, much, much worse than that
I think he's much worse
When it comes to being a trickster god
And when it comes to fertility
I don't think Bug Mane is very involved
Bug Mane's not involved