[Verse 1]
I think you've mistaken
My desperation
For devotion
For devotion
For devotion
[Verse 2]
I walked bedrock
Exposed and barren
Disappeared into the mountains
Knocked on every door
Until one opened
[Verse 3]
And I felt my arms
Rise light as feathers
And the clock hit me like a hammer
And my eyes rolled back like porcelain
And the breeze cooled me like aspirin
And I cried
[Instrumental Break]
[Verse 4]
If you see my lip start quivering
Don't mistake my breaking opеn
Breaking open
For broken
[Verse 5]
I thought I knеw how to listen
Until the hair on my skin
Rose in tongues
Then came the glow
Of a single candle
Through the blinds
In the rising sun
In the rising sun