Yeah, yeah
I don’t get surprised
I notice everything
Room full of 100 people im watching their body language and their eyes
It’s a safety precaution
Fear or flight type response to not feeling at ease in my mind
Pavlov conditioning
I’ve changed
I see youre still where you were initially
Youre in a bind
Excuse after excuse shedding leaves time, fall season in the pines
I find myself again each time I see the ponderosas in my sight
My hometown ease my mind
Patience for me like nails on chalkboard but it’s a virtue so I try
My hardest
Lie to me i’ll call you out im a drama queen, James Harden
I have 3 targets
2 of them are me and myself
In the mirror one always catch my eye
I don’t buy weed unless the knowledge of the strain i’m buying is precise
Indica only and a cigarillo wrap will get me right
Wake up every morning with my brain in a bare knuckle fight
I sigh
This been going on a decade now can’t you see i’m tired, peep the pain in my eyes
It’s more than just strain
Type shit to drag me down to the grave soon, not appreciating life
L live by my truths but I respect anyone knowingly performing their whole life as a lie
Its a truth in itself, they’ve sacrificed their freedom for the chance to be somebody that people like
Tell me i’m not right