Albus, my friend! Is that really you?
We both knew this day would come. I’ve waited as long as I was able. Too long in the eyes of most
Long gone are the days when you might have defeated me. Haven’t you heard? I have it now
And long gone are the days where I took stock in children’s tales. When will you learn that a wand alone not a wizard make
I see your eloquence is still unmatched, Albus. But do I detect a hint of fear?
My greatest fear, Gellert, lies not in you
But your greatest fear does lie in the past. Doesn’t it, Albus? You fear learning the truth. It’s not too late, friend. The tandem can still be united for the greater good
It pains me to know something I created has been used to justify the slaughter of millions. For whose greater good, Gellert?
For all wizardkind
I think not
Then you are a fool!