Gray-souled artists only thinking of green
Love selling you shit with no real meaning
Calling every new brand a revolution
Funded by establishment institutions
Bougie motherfuckers pay for billboards
With the plastered face of some record deal whore
Their minds dead set on monopolization
A narcissist's face polluting my vision
So listen up Mickey
You circle eared cunt
Driving a Tesla
With a body in the trunk
Trying to save the planet
But you're failing to mention
How much it took to build
Your Malibu mansion
Treat me like a friend, then sell me like a product
Take total control - and you say I'm fucked
Rich man's ads in broke neighborhoods
I'm returning the favor
Let's paint Hollywood black
It's about damn time
We returned the favor
It's about damn time
We stopped tagging the neighbors
Black out the billboards in the Beverly Hills
Give a new paint job to some billionaire shill
Black paint flowing down Rodeo Drive
Black flags high on Rodeo Drive
Rich mans ads in broke neighborhoods
Take Hollywood back
Paint the rich black
Rich mans ads in broke neighborhoods
Take Hollywood back
Paint the rich black
Rich mans ads in broke neighborhoods
Take Hollywood back
Paint the rich black
Rich mans ads in broke neighborhoods
Take Hollywood back
Paint the rich black
Rich man's ads
In broke neighborhoods
I'm returning the favor
Let's paint Hollywood
Paint the rich fucking black
Don't get caught don't look back