I feel stress and misery
When my inbox is not spic and span
I really hate mess and disarray so I keep it clear
As near zero as I can
But man, I just can't win
It's like no matter how hard I strive
New emails just keep coming in
Or people write back to the ones
That I've already archived
I was talking with a friend
About how this job won't ever be brought to completion
And he was like, "Yeah, that's never gonna end
Truly, the task is... Sisyphean"
I said, "Whoa, run it back, explain
Whatever the reference is, I'm missing this"
He said, "Come on, Zach, rack your brain
I'm talking about the Greek myth of Sisyphus
He's the man who the gods condemned
To walk up a mountain
Pushing a gigantic boulder
But every time he got to the summit with the rock
It would plummet to the bottom
And he'd have to start over and over, forever
He is the symbol of frustrated effort! That is his fate!
Hence the expression!"
And I was like, "Eh! It's a little outdated"
So I thought up an update
We all know who the X-Men are
A team of superheroes with incredible abilities
And Wolverine is the breakout star
He can heal back instantly from any injury
He just regenerates like boom!
You can't permanently hurt him, guys
And that's why we can safely assume
That Wolverine is uncircumcised
Look, I don't want to be obscene
But you can't circumcise the Wolverine
If you cut him, he'll heal back pristine
You can't circumcise the Wolverine
No, even if your blade is keen
He's a foreskin regrowth machine
And trying to keep my inbox clean
Feels just like circumcising Wolverine
See what I mean? Right?
You can't circumcise the Wolverine
I shake my fist and scream at the screen:
"Damn your mutant genital regeneration gene!"
And it isn't just email
You can use this phrase to describe any frustrating routine
Where the light at the end of the tunnel's unseen
You can't guillotine the Wolverine peen