[The door gives inward and CROWN enters.]
You is a nice parcel of Christians
Shut a friend out in a storm like this!
Whose friend is you?
I's your friend, sister
Oh, here's the woman I's lookin' for
[CROWN, spoken]
Why you ain't come and say hello to your man?
You ain't my man
It's sure time I was comin' back for you, sweet Bess!
You ain't done much for yourself while I been gone
Ain't there no whole ones left?
You keep your mouth off Porgy
Woman, do you wants to meet your God?
[CROWN, spoken]
Come here!
Porgy my man now
[CROWN, spoken]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Well, for God's sake, do you call that a man?
Well, don't you mind
I gots the forgivin' nature and I's goin' take you back
Turn that woman loose!
Keep your hand off me
You best behave yourself in this storm
Don't you know God might strike you dead?
If God want to kill me
He had plenty of chance 'tween here and Kittiwah Island
Me and Him havin' it out all the way from Kittiwah
First Him on top, then me on top
There ain't nothin' He like better then a scrap with a man
God and me is friend
[Loud thunderclaps.]
[CROWN, spoken]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Hear that?
God's laughin' at you!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Oh, the Lord shake the Heavens and the Lord rock the ground
[ENSEMBLE & CROWN, spoken]
And where you goin' stand (Here, cut that out!)
My brother and my sister (Stop it!)
When the sky come a-tumblin' (I didn't come all the way from Kittiwah)
Down? (To sit up with no corpses)
[ENSEMBLE & CROWN, spoken]
Oh, the sun goin' to rise in the (Them that is in such a)
West (Hurry to meet the judgment)
And the moon goin' to set (All they's got to do)
In the sea (Is kiss themselves goodbye)
And the stars goin' to bow before my Lord (And step out that door)
Bow down before my Lord (Daddy Peter, here's your chance, ha ha ha)
Who died on Calvary (The Jim Crow's leavin' and you don't need no ticket)
Calvary (How about you, old lady?)
Calvary (What, there ain't no travelers?)
Calvary (Don't you hear God almighty laughin' at you?)
That's right, God laughs, and Crown laughs back
[CROWN, spoken]
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
That's right, drown 'em out, don't let 'em sing
How 'bout this one, Big Friend?