I'm afraid to go outside of my house, again
I haven't done my chores and I need to repent
But now I'm in this maze, and I can't get out
And I need some Ye, to preach me out
Of this Satanist world that never ends
And it's getting cold, so I wanna go in
There's a lemonade stand up a block or ten, yeah
Everything's the same
My visions gone bad
I think I need directions
Do you have a map?
Suburban neighborhoods
They never seem to end
It's all the same
It's all the same
It's all the same
It's all the same, shit!
I feel like I'm seeing through a fucking polaroid
This run is no longer something to enjoy
The grass is turning yellow and my brain is going dead
Maybe this is what I get for being a punk
Cause I'm just that kid, I don't wanna pretend
And I see a Trump flag in the distance again
I've been walking too long and my legs are dead, shit!
Never get out, you'll never get out
You'll never get out
You'll never get out
Snakeville, snakeville never ends
Snakeville, snakeville never ends
Never get out, you'll never get out
You'll never get out
You'll never get out
Snakeville, snakeville never ends
Snakeville, snakeville never ends