Mirror, oh, mirror
Who are you looking for?
I am not him, and he don't live here no more
Where has he gone?
He stays in his crumbling home
Rewriting a page from his eternal tome
Mirror, oh, mirror
Tell him I've seen the girl
Lost in the woods
Searching for scattered pearls
Curled on the ground
Covering her face with leaves
Whispering to ants
Who sing to her as she grieves
Mirror, oh, mirror
Where does your garden grow?
You may find him there
Planting seeds to and fro
Clothes on the ground
Dancing alongside wind
Crying with her
Hoping the rain begins
Mirror, oh, mirror
Why do you run from sin?
We're not the same
Though I'm struggling to see my skin
Black smoke in the air
The bridges are burning down
They're smashing the stones
Until all the lights go out
Mirror, oh, mirror
I don't believe we've met
You can go now
Get out the door, now get
Face in the mud
Darkness is all around
Blood stains my hands
We are both smiling now
Go away, just go
I can't
Why are you just standing there?
Because you are
I don't fucking know you
Get out
Get out
Get out of me, please
Break the mirror